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The Heart of Innovation

The FireFly® was developed by the Department of Energy in response to the Sandy Hook tragedy. This patented technology uses advanced algorithms to analyze firearm discharge event energy levels and waveforms before wirelessly transmitting this data to the EAGL Server for further analysis and Adaptive Response launch.

Not only does this approach make the accurate detection of gunfire possible, in turn the system has the capability to determine events that are not gunfire. For example, thunder can be easily identified and filtered out to prevent a false-positive alarm from occurring.


EAGL Technology is the only gunshot detection technology based on algorithmic analysis of the event. Additional technologies onboard the sensor are not necessary, leading to fewer restrictions on use and deployment (such as needed power, mounting restrictions, indoor/outdoor restrictions, etc.)

Request a Demo

Learn how the EAGL Gunshot Detection System can benefit your security plan and save lives! Speak with a Technology Consultant and attend a live virtual demonstration of the system.

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