Economical Subscription Services – A Perfect Fit for Small Businesses and Organizations
EAGL Technology, Inc., recognizes a need to offer economical security protection for small businesses and venues having small public areas or limited security budgets. To that end, EAGL Technology offers a subscription service to cloud-hosted systems providing the same level of gunshot detection found in larger facility installations.
The heart of the EAGL System is the sensor technology. Both indoor and outdoor sensor varieties are self-contained & designed specifically for their deployed operating environment. Each sensor communicates wirelessly yet securely to a system gateway. This feature allows flexible economy for sensor deployment planning AND installation. Local network access is not required as a cellular communication option between gateway and cloud server is available. The gateway, a stateless device, operates as a dedicated secure interface between sensors and server.
EAGL Cloud Services are a perfect fit for faith-based organizations, small retail chains, small businesses, and community-based centers. Contact EAGL Technology today to find out how affordable it is to add Gunshot Detection and Emergency Management to your business, organization, or house of worship.
As a Service
Houses of Worship